October 26, 2007

The Start of Something.

Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting on the glider in Jonah's room with him soundly asleep in my lap. His dark brown hair was brushed away from his sweet face and his baby breath was emanating from him ever so slightly, filling the room with inimitable peace.

And then it occurred to me. Almost two years of this precious life have passed, and aside from two baby books and thousands of pictures, it remains largely undocumented. Don't misunderstand, I love pictures - particularly those taken of my sweet boy - and I love documenting his milestones. But I find that words, when properly entwined and chronicled, eternalize that which we wish to remember most, and so this blog is my attempt capture such.

This is my guy. He is twenty-three months old, 100 percent boy and makes my heart ache with joy when he smiles. Let's hope that this blog is the start of a wonderfully long journey to capture his essence. Let's hope I am able to do him justice.