February 14, 2008

A Letter for Luke.

"And the child grew and became strong in spirit" --Luke 1:80a

Beloved boy,

You revealed your profile to me today, and in doing so, gifted me a small glimpse of you. I saw the same strong jaw I see in your daddy and the tiny hairs emerging on your sweet head. Though I am your mama, the One who knitted you knows you better, and He has entrusted you to my care. Long before I knew you, I prayed for you and just as in the book of Samuel, the Lord granted me what I asked of Him.

As I count down the final days of your arrival into this world, I pray that God will cradle you in the waters of good health and gentleness, that He will nourish you with joy and wisdom and strengthen you with the spirit of His love.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Beautifully written. You will raise these boys to be such Godly men and that is a true gift. I can't wait to meet your precious Luke.