February 1, 2008

Showered with Love.

On January 26, my sweet friend, Amy, hosted a shower for baby Luke at my parents' house in Florida. It really was a wonderful day, and I am so thankful for the family and friends who attended. I sometimes forget how difficult it is to live in a state so far away from our extended family. I really love being around them and enjoyed the weekend we had to catch up.

As Amy is one of the most efficient people I know, she has, of course, already detailed this event on her own blog. For posterity, here is a picture of some of the 643 cookies that Amy claims to have eaten that day:

And for the record, I am disputing the portrayal of the "pants incident." That's not quite how I recall the course of events, but alas, challenging the accuracy is not the purpose of this post. My reason for writing is to thank her for being such a wonderful friend.

Amy was my college roommate. Actually, my husband and Amy went to high school together, and it is because of him that she and I and two other women ended up living together for the majority of my undergraduate years. She is probably the closest thing I have ever had to a sister as living together for that long through formidable years like college brings about a certain closeness attained only by exeriencing both the good and the bad with each other.

Though it's been 14 years since we first met, I still maintain warm memories of those initial moments of getting to know her. We'd have long talks on our many walks to campus, where because of our height difference, I would have to practically run to keep up with her. We've cooked many a meal together, and no matter how old we get, I will always associate Amy with tri-colored pasta with a dash of Parmesan cheese coupled with half of a bagel with strawberry jam.

Perhaps one of the reasons I so value her friendship so is because she charted many of life's important milestones before me. She and her husband, Matt, got together long before my husband and I did, and I have watched, with admiration, as she has become a wonderful wife and mother to her two precious children, and how she handles each with humor and strength and above all, grace.

I have benefited tremendously from the advice she has given me throughout my own journey down similar paths, and I marvel at how our friendship has evolved through time and continued to grow despite physical distance. Thank you for everything, sweet friend.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Well, you could serve up some Kleenex along with those cookies - I had to read the second half of that post through big tears. Speaking of cookies, poor Luke's name was unrecognizable after I was finished with your mother's baked goods. Anyway, thanks for the walk down memory lane (and revealing to the internet my very weird eating habits)! You are an amazing friend, wife and mother and I'm just so blessed to still have you in my life. We survived lots of drama (real and imagined) throughout our college years and only kindred spirits like ours would still be able to stand the sight of each other after three years in that teeny tiny apartment! I love you!